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One size does not fit all

When you apply a template-based approach to unique situations, you may be compromising in the areas that require the most support. At Blue Jean, we’re consistently adjusting and measuring our operations to ensure the best fit for your condominium property.

We view management as a team approach, and when required multiple managers may assist, ensuring a property is never solely the responsibility of one individual. Further backed by a strong internal administration and accounting team, Blue Jean Condo Managers maintain the highest level of focus on the property and the Board.

Confidence comes when things fit their best

The Best Fit Checklist

We dive into the fundamentals of condo building management and to get the best possible fit, we need to find out where things might not be fitting so well.

Does your current condo building management:

  • Communicate clearly and report regularly on your condo building health?
  • Follow-up efficiently with an existing issue?
  • Budget properly for both operations and a healthy reserve fund?
  • Execute regular building visits?
  • Find solutions for maintenance and operations challenges?
  • Tender out to multiple trades for the best maintenance option?

If you answered ‘no’ to any of these, or aren’t sure, call the company that has your condo building’s best health as its highest priority.